Tag Archives: Writing

Casualties of Winter



Winter cast its magic wand and  all that heeds prepares for sleep, they animals, the willows and the trees.

They fought against the Autumn wind but their battle was for nought.

The changing season is set in stone and more days of spring or summer can never be bought.    ~ Etta D. Richards

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Stories From The Park-The Seagull and The Squirrel


The lonely Seagull lands on a branch atop the giant Chestnut, suddenly out of nowhere an evil grey Squirrel jumps to the branch. Thank goodness for sheer agility, the Seagull falls off the branch taking flight mid-air, escaping the evil Sciuridae.

No, there were no witnesses but this is what I imagined happened.

Photo: Jeremy Lavender Photography

Author: Yvette Treco